Qi Beauty

14462744_1214807798583146_4432957164579383831_nQi beauty is the first anti-ageing treatment using Static Magnetic Fields ,founded in 2006 by Kathy Pedersen from Australia ,builds a matrix by using 1000 gold magnets to produce Static Magnetic Field (SMF). Magnetic energy has been used therapeutically throughout the world for hundreds of years, dating back to ancient Chinese and Egyption medicine some 2,000 years ago.

With age the epidermal cells of skin become thinner and less sticky. Then moisture  instead of being kept in the skin ,released and causes dryness . The number of epidermal cells decreases and their growth become more slowly, so the skin cant repair itself as fast as before. The dermal layer of skin become thinner ,less collagen is produced and the elastin fibers wear out so elasticity of skin decreases. With age ,Sweat glands decreases, sebum produces less and fat cells get smaller. So the skin become dryer, more fragile and leads to more noticeable wrinkles and sagging.

SMF polarizes anions and cations  , so brings the tissue from inactive and stagnation state to order and alignment ,and normalize cellular activities. In addition the pineal gland in the centre of the brain controls hormones ,enzymes and immune functions ,and is itself a magnetic organ containing magnetic crystals . It is acutely sensitive to magnetic energy and produces its most important substance, melatonin (sleep hormone),during the night when the earth’s negative magnetic field is dominant . Also, human growth hormone ,which is produced by the hypothalamus as we sleep ,appears to be strongly influenced by melatonin levels. Human growth hormone that is the controlling factor in hair, skin and muscle mass ,produces less as we age, so it may shoes that magnetic stimulation of the pineal gland could slow the aging process.

The qi beauty anti_aging system uses specific negative polarized micro magnets to stimulate tissue in the dermis, epidermis and the proximal acupuncture points. These magnets produces a negative magnetic field over the entire area of application.
The biological response to this negative magnetic field is a reduction of oxidation processes, increased alkalinisation, oxygenation and cellular growth .
Reducing acidity means increased energy and cellular regeneration .

Qi beauty increases blood flow around the face, also helps to stimulate collagen synthesis and restore skin PH to eradicate the effects of toxins directly in contact with skin ;and a visible difference to skin tone and texture is noted.

Qi beauty system help promote the ability of skin to :
*plump and tone dehydrated skin
*lift and define facial features
*decrease size of pores
*reduce the appearance of fine lines
*brighten and tighten skin
*Reduce the appearance of pigmentation
*reduce depth of wrinkles
*Repair /reduce broken capillaries
*Reduce the appearance of recent scarring
*detoxification of skin

It is not recommended in pregnant women or persons with electro-medical devices including pacemakers.

Qi beauty detoxification

Is a powerfully effective treatment frequently essential to the rejuvenation process .
It’s indicated when tissues congestion (puffiness, pitting or pallor )is present.
Qi detoxification encourage blood and fluid circulation , improve the tone, hydration and appearance of unhealthy skin.

Qi beauty home kit(patch system)

Based on the knowledge that skin cells require energy to remain young ,the qi beauty kit provide specifically designed magnets to placing on specific acupuncture points ,stimulates Qi energy to enhance skin function and energise skin as an anti_aging solution. Using this patch system one to three times weekly at home , help to continue anti_aging effect of  Qi beauty treatment .

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